- 이럴 땐? : 나에게 뒤집어 씌우지 마세요
Don't blame it on me
Don't try to blame me for it
Don't put the blame on me
Don't make me the scapegoat
- 이럴 땐? : 어떤 재료가 들어갔어요?
What's in it?
What did you put in it?
What are the ingredients?
What ingredients did you use?
- 이럴 땐? : 오버하지 마
Don't overdo it
Don't exaggerate
Don't go overboard
That's overdoing it
- 이럴 땐? : 그들은 우리와 어깨를 견줄 만해요
They're a match for us
They are as good as we are
We are evenly matched
They are on a par with us
- 이럴 땐? : 당신도 만만치 않아요
Look who's talking!
You should talk!
It wouldn't talk if I were you
You're no different = You are same
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