- 이럴 땐? : 시간이 늦어서 배달할 수 없습니다.
It's too late to do deliveries
It's almost closing time, so we can't do deliveries
It's near closing time, so we can't do deliveries
We're closing soon, so we can't do deliveries
- 이럴 땐? : 시원하게 쳐 주세요
Cut my hair short, please
I'd like a short haircut
I'd like to get a short haircut
I'd like my hair cut short
- 이럴 땐? : 어머니의 마음이 멍들었어요
My mother is heartbroken
My mother is brokenhearted
My mother's heart aches
My mother is in pain
- 이럴 땐? : 저희한테 너무 많은 걸 바리지 마세요
Don't expect too much of us
You're expecting too much of us
You expect so much of us
Don't have high expectations for us
- 이럴 땐? : 늘어날 수 있기 때문에 입어 볼수 없습니다.
You can't try it on because it could stretch
It could stretch, so you can't try it on
We don't allow customers to try it on
You can't try it on. Store policy
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